Complaints Procedure


This document aims to help you understand our complaints procedure. We welcome complaints, comments and suggestions, as these can help us improve our operations for everyone and will not affect opportunities to work with us.

What sort of complaints are we talking about?

If you think we have failed to provide a satisfactory standard of service, please let us know. Your complaint might be about delays, discourtesy or you might have found some of our material mis-advertised and therefore offensive.

It is our belief that if a production has been advertised as having adult content, then our patrons will have been properly alerted in advance to the possibility of the production containing material they may find offensive or inappropriate. You may however feel that our advertising did not state this prominently enough, or that the warning did not alert you to the presence of specific material in the production. If this is the case, then we will of course examine fully any concerns you have with regards to this area.

We are committed to equal opportunities and take complaints about discrimination seriously.

Who will deal with your complaint?

Your complaint will normally be handled by one of the Directors of the Company depending on the subject of your complaint.

How to make a complaint

Your complaint should be made in writing or by e-mail. We have included a form below that you can use for this purpose if you wish, at the end of this document. We will note complaints by telephone but we will only respond to complaints made in an appropriate format as described above. With any complaint you must provide your full name and address. Our contact details are given at the end of this document.

We will treat every complaint appropriately, and we will treat everyone who complains with courtesy and respect.

Help us to put things right

It is easier to put things right if you are clear about why you are not satisfied and what action you would like us to take. If you are unhappy with something we have done, it is a good idea to keep a record of any contact you have had with us – make a note of phone calls and keep copies of letters.

When will you hear from us?

We aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 working days.

In most cases you will receive a full written reply to your complaint from a Director within 21 working days. If we cannot give a full reply in this time, we will write to tell you why and let you know what we are doing to deal with your complaint.

If the complaint is complex, we aim to let you have a full reply within two months.

If you are not satisfied with our reply to your complaint, you can ask the Board of Directors to review it. They can only look at complaints that have been considered first by the people named above.

How are complaints monitored?

Our Company Directors will receive a report of complaints and the way they have been dealt with. We will study all complaints and use them to help improve our operations.

Further comments and suggestions

We are interested in all comments and suggestions, so if there is anything we have handled well or which has impressed you, please let us know.

White Cobra Contact details:

Post: 1 Stable Lane, Pitsford, Northampton, NN6 9NG



White Cobra Complaints Form June 2020.pdf