Hopefully everyone is well and enjoying spring as the lockdown starts to ease and we can all get out and about a bit more, and hopefully start seeing some theatre again soon!

Sadly despite my optimism last time, in the end, it just hasn’t proved possible for us to be able to stage Wind in the Willows this summer as hoped, so it’s postponed until 2022. We have already managed to confirm dates for most of the venues for next year and we’ll let you have them once the tour is complete.

But in brighter news, we’re continuing too add content to our YouTube channel, there are podcasts available on Spotify, Apple Music and Google Podcasts.  Over the last month we’ve finished the Wind in the Willows series of 5 films, and added some illustrated readings of Beatrix Potter stories.
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While we await our return to live entertainment (more on that in a minute) here are details on a couple of upcoming audio and film projects we’re currently working on.

Firstly we have a 4 part adaptation of Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice. It’s adapted and directed by Rebecca Cockcroft - find out why she wanted to adapt the play, and how she went about the task.
pride and prejudice websitepng

Secondly, we’re putting the finishing touches to an original short film, Running4Ever, written by Richard Hearn. Read what Richard has to say about the background to the story.

Back to live entertainment, and I’m delighted to announce we are putting on a full evening of entertainment at The White Horse pub in the village of Old on Saturday June 26th 2021. There’s a nice symmetry in that our last pre-covid performance was also at the pub when we produced Blind Date, one of Peter Quilter’s Duets plays. It’ll be staged in a marquee in the garden so whatever the English summer throws at us weather wise we’re OK! There will be food and drink available so PLEASE save the date, and booking should be open from early May.

Thanks to everyone for their continued support of White Cobra, it’s hugely appreciated, and hopefully we’ll all be meeting up again really soon x